Meet the Glompy Rain Frog, brought to life by a mix of artistry, craftsmanship, and a touch of humor. Each Glompy is carefully sculpted and molded by hand, with every tiny detail crafted to capture that iconic grumpy expression.
Starting with raw material and clay, we shape each little frog. The process is hands-on and creative, with hours spent perfecting the look.
Once sculpted, Glompy is cast in high-quality, medical-grade silicone – a durable, safe material that gives him his soft, squishy feel without sacrificing resilience. After casting, he’s hand-painted, each one unique and just a little different from the last.
This labor of love ensures that every Glompy Rain Frog carries a bit of our passion for animals and art. The result? A squishy, slightly grumpy companion that’s ready to bring a smile to your day!